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Sometimes, it feels like we can never get the perfect streak of good weather. At this time of year, many of us are preparing our homes and vehicles for the unexpected cold front that lasts days. We stock up on sweaters and jackets, gloves and beanies. But there’s more that needs to be done, and it relates to our skin. Here, we offer a few tips for keeping your skin in good shape through the coming winter months.

Reinvent Your Moisturizing Routine

The moisturizing that most people think of is what they put on their skin. Every year, about this time of year, multiple articles are published that discuss the need to switch up one’s skincare routine. More than what you put on your skin, though, we want to point out what else you can do to keep moisture consistent. First, let’s cover why. During the winter, the air is colder. Much colder. This drop in temperature also severely dries the air. When the air is dry, the moisture that is naturally in the skin evaporates much more quickly. The key to addressing this is to maintain hydration in multiple ways, not just one.

Moisturizing the skin can start from within. During the colder months when the air is dry, experts suggest that we drink more water. Instead of 32 ounces, drink at least 64 (this is the daily recommendation as it is.). Instead of 64, drink about 80 ounces. You get the picture. Additionally, add moisture to the air where you live and work by equipping spaces with a humidifier.

Rethink Exfoliating

Usually, exfoliating is something dermatologists recommend. Just not during the winter. It’s not so much that you can’t exfoliate at all. You need to remove those dead and damaged cells that accumulate on the epidermis. However, the frequency of exfoliation should change when the weather is cold because dry air thins the skin’s protective barrier. This makes irritation much more likely. Exfoliating can be done but should be limited to about once a week at most. The infusion facial offered at our Westport dermatology office is a great way to exfoliate and replenish moisture for beautiful winter skin.

The appearance of the skin gets a lot of attention. We also concern ourselves with dermatologic health. For assistance with your winter skin woes, schedule a visit with us at (203) 226-3600.

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